Thursday, October 18, 2007

Viking Kittens

"How Many More Times will I wonder aloud, "damn, dude, why can't I purchase this Led Zeppelin song as a digital download?" Not many, according to the NYT. No need to be Dazed and Confused, the band just announced this week that fans should be able to Bring It On Home as a digital file if they so choose. What Is And What Should Never Be, however, are the plethora of Led Zep ringtones also planned. I don't mean to Ramble On, it's just that I have a Whole Lotta Love for this band, and the announcement amounts to a sort of Celebration Day. It's been, what, like Ten Years Gone since people started buying music online? The Song Remains The Same, it's just that you'll be able to buy it on iTunes or Verizon's music service now. And remember: No Quarter, they'll be priced more like 99 cents."
-Xeni Jardin